When you are wrong, go on the offense? No?

That’s just what Bush did in California when he decided to take a jab at Louisiana’s Governor and her competence post-Katrina – I ask any person to stand in her place and tell me what they would have done? Maybe she didn’t rise to the occasion, maybe she didn’t end up being Rudy Guiliani post 9/11, but Bush is an utter and complee embarrassment to the people of Louisiana and the United States.

I’ve gone abroad twice and never before have I heard of a president so reviled as Bush Jr. What’s good is that no one hates Americans – they just hate Bush and his administration so thank god we will be rid of that nightmare within a year’s period of time. As far as what happened here in Louisiana – he is not welcome here – he is not our leader – he failed us utterly from start to finish and that he is such an imbecile that he would take this moment to go on the offensive about what happened here while standing there in California is just the lowest low a human being can sink to. And proves yet again, that he is the dumbest president that ever ruled the United States of America.

Bless his heart.

6 Responses to “When you are wrong, go on the offense? No?”

  1. sandy Says:

    the best thing that ever happened to bobby jindal, politically, is NOT beating out Blanco. No one was going to pull a 2nd term out of that – whoever was gov was going to get blasted and go down in flames. Could he have done a better job? It’s impossible to judge – she’s a black sheep, and so would Bobby have been.

    Now I’d give it 25% chance at least so you see him running for pres in 2012 or 2016 – he’s incredibly charismatic and would make a great presidential candidate (that has nothing to do with being a great president).

  2. Rachel Says:

    I’m just a little lukewarm on his pushing his moral agenda on me but actually there a lot of things to recommend him and I think he will make a good governor if he doesn’t shroud himself in political GOP trappings – I’d rather see an evolved Bobby Jindal running Louisiana in a time where this state and this time begs for creativity and open minded planning.

  3. sandy Says:

    “I’d rather see” rather than what? his win was inevitable. the only thing that could have stopped him would have been a win pre-K.

    I didn’t know one of those canoes was yours – do you use it much?

  4. Rachel Says:

    I heard tales that the north actually is the pop that elects the governor and that governor candidates from the north usually win. Possibly that was before, and this is now. That’s why given the stats on Jindal I thought it was possible another candidate might have a chance. And more to your question – I’d rather see him be a good governor even though I didn’t vote for him, than be a bad governor and just care about his aspiring political career and not Louisiana.

    Meanwhile yes, the blue canoe on its stomach is mine – it’s been in my yard, and then I brought it out there to take some kids out and left it locked there but it has been getting barnacles and my neighbor Roy says that slows down the canoe. I love canoeing. If you want to use it – I have paddles and life jacket in my side yard you can access. Or if it can wait till my face recovers, I’ll take you out there myself – we can paddle to Park Island and beyond. It’s really quite beautiful out there in the middle of the bayou.

  5. sandy Says:

    Maybe that was when northerners (intrastate) were populists and southerners were liberals. Now liberals have put themselves on one side of two many polarizing issues (abortion, gay unions, prayer etc..) and forced people to choose between voting with their souls or voting with any other political (vs moral) predilections – souls win every time.

    my $0.02 anyhow

  6. Rachel Says:

    Wait, isn’t that what conservatives have done? Forced us to vote for morality (theirs) instead of for fundamentals (poverty, education, health care).

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