One grey, overcast day

The temperature dropped thirty degrees here night before last and today, it’s like Norway outside – cold, grey, and blustery. It makes me want to stay in, but Loca wants out out out – she keeps scratching at the window whining and moaning as if someone is tormenting her to death, when all along I’m the one being tormented.

My to do list runneth over and with little sleep, I decided to take things piece meal today. One baby step at a time rather than leaping off the precipice and attempting the mother lode in one fell swoop. And you know what, that seems to have been the right ticket. I’ve been able to methodically get done what I’ve set out to get done and I’ve done it without the usual bundle of stress associated with my normal to do list.

I watch Loca bound from the yard to the front door – steamrolling anything in her way – her head bonks against the glass in the front door. That’s usually me. But this me, is taking a sip of my tea, approaching my to do list gingerly with just the task at hand, not the larger picture to flesh out, and I like this – just one baby step at a time. There is something calming about a grey, overcast day and lack of sleep.

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