A stress free day

I was in the park on Monday and a woman approached me because she had had cancer and thought I had too. She showed me her photos of herself bald and I thought to myself while she was scrolling through her iPhone photos that she looked a lot better bald.

Today, I woke at 5am and meditated and then had my coffee before reading through a number of emails that were left open to follow up on. I began the outline of a House to do list, a Work to do list, a Project to do list, and then I went to Pilates. I’ve signed up for a six-week refresher course and have realized that three years away from it, my core has gone soft as a jellyfish.

The Tuesday green market is nearby, so I stopped for mustard greens, kale, strawberries, and fish and ran into a friend which turned into a coffee. This woman has always been my equal – she’s been married as many times and been a hard driving ambitious career crazed woman but recently she stopped – everything. She’s become a stay at home mom and her relationship with her husband of many years has entered a hallowed honeymoon state. She’s enjoying her kids, planning trips with her husband. She looks rested and calm. We talked about kid stuff and schools, and I left there feeling remarkably good.

Then I came home and spoke to a source who I haven’t spoken with in a while but since he’s changed positions he is back on my radar and we reconnected on all of the developments that have changed media for good. I made myself a green shake. I’m trying to watch my calories and lose this middle puff inner tube that has appeared during my grapple with my moribund thyroid.

Again, in the kitchen, watching my clothes hanging on the line, I came back to this feeling of being relatively calm. The weather was lovely outside, warm with a slight chill still in the air – spring – I’m excited about my new house and, let me repeat, relatively happy and calm.

I picked up Tin and we went to the toy store to spend his tooth fairy money on a train. I loved watching him skip in and try to find what aisle had the trains. Then later at music, he jumped in my lap and said, “Mommy, I love you.”

I’m not sure how we got here but I’d like to stay and sit with this place for a while.

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