We are the same human beings

The Dalai Lama on tour now in the United States … “we are the same human being, the way we are born, the way we die. We all want the same things – happy life, peaceful life.

Bill Clinton @ Howard commencement … “the genome study shows we are 99 1/2 the same.”

On the ride home from Donaldsonville yesterday afternoon, I told my friend when I was in the last years of my corporate job I would go to yoga and dedicate my practice to the CEO because I felt like he was lost.

She was aghast, “How could you? Why would you?”

I did it because when he came into my life, I had begun to hate him, and that hate had begun to poison me, and I wanted to exorcise the hatred and simply ignoring him in my life wasn’t going to do that, so I had to see how I was connected to him, and how he was a human being on a different journey, at a different level, in a different time, and that he was utterly lost and to shut him out would keep him that way, but to send him love and positivity might actually help him be found. And in the end isn’t that what I wanted – for him to find his humanity so that he could connect with mine?

2 Responses to “We are the same human beings”

  1. Mudd Says:

    “and that he was utterly lost and to shut him out would keep him that way, but to send him love and positivity might actually help him be found”


    Most people around me don’t get that. It’s what I practice and will keep on practicing, AMEN. It’s what I did to keep harmony in the family after I divorced the father of my children… and then made sure that harmony kept on flourishing once he remarried and his new wife felt threatened by me (and was a pain in the ass for YEARS). Now, we’re all a big happy family, together on all sorts of occasions, and that new wife is a great friend!

    And that’s the way I deal with ALL the seemingly mean and sourpuss and not-so-delightful people out there: give them LOVE and see what happens!

    I LOVE YOU, Rachel!!!


  2. Rachel Says:

    You and I dancing to Mary Blige – “don’t want no hateration, holleratin in this dancery …”

    You know we got to dance when we see each other – and what better song to get started.

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