Witch gone wild

Last night, my friend’s daughter spent the night and about 3am I had to get up and turn off her light and Tin’s – my friend says that there is no difference between my 4 year old and her almost 14 year old – and she’s right. They both switch from moody to joyous in half blinks of the eye. And as we all got ready to head out to Zumba (it was 8:45 am) my hater neighbor began beating on the walls. We all just looked at the wall as if it was possessed.

Tin asked me why she was doing that and I said because she’s a witch. He asked, “A good witch or a bad witch?” And I said, a plain old witch. Then she started hammering up and down the wall from the front of the house to the back of the house – I mean this was witch gone wild kind of stuff.

A friend of mine is getting ready to move out of her tiny apartment and suddenly it feels so cramped. I feel the same, cramped and tired of living next to a hater. Life is too short to be crazy.

Right now the Formosa termites are swarming outside and everyone is flipping their light switches off. But my predator neighbor keeps chewing on the wood lights on or off.

There’s really got to be a better way.

One Response to “Witch gone wild”

  1. Mudd Says:

    This too shall pass…
    It damn well better!


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