My heart outside my body

I watched a funny video about what people say to Transracially Adopted families, and could have added a lot more quotes to the list. But no one knows the joy of welcoming another person into your life, particularly a baby who starts becoming their own person very shortly after you meet.

Yesterday, Tin and I slopped our way through the thick of mud soup to get up close and personal with Frank Ocean and to say that having this (heavy) boy on my shoulders as he and I grooved to the music is to say that yesterday was nirvana all over again. A few people did say, “Is that your boy?” but mostly people were doing the usual – snapping photographs of him – although one guy did look into my eyes and say, “Is he your son? He’s beautiful” and I could tell he was having a moment of joy.


When Frank sang Pyramids, we rocked the house, and after that I could no longer keep this growing boy on my tired shoulders but there was no where to put him down in the mud soup, so we slogged out of the group and made our way back to our chairs.

People would laugh when I told them that I had to take Tin out to see Frank Ocean because he’s our favorite. They think it’s odd that a 4 year old has a favorite singer, but Tin has already staked his independence and now it’s no longer about whether I’m blessed for having Tin, or Tin blessed for having us, it’s that we are a family and for the rest of my life, my heart now walks around independent of me.


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