Keeping a lid on it

We are all naturally creative, resourceful and whole.

This is what I’m trying to remember when I’m dealing with people or situations that threaten to undermine my sanity. You realize why, don’t you? Because I, Rachel Dangermond, am a caretaker. And if you digest that statement – we are all naturally creative, resourceful and whole – then you can reassure yourself that people don’t need you to take care of them. They don’t.

I’ve begun these long, long nights of sleep – ten hours, twelve hours, and now I’m up later than my usual bedtime and I know it’s because today, I put my best foot forward and was surprised to see people behaving poorly and situations moving sideways. When you are standing in your center you can see very clearly how muddled things become with the turn of a phrase, or the wrong timing, or simply meeting at the wrong intersection.

So tonight, I’m going to lay my head down and not worry about the muddle. I’m going to lay my head down on my narrow bed and dream of mermaids and unicorns and let the rest of the world spin out of control, while I slumber.

A friend stopped by with her kids for a playdate. She commented on how good it feels in this apartment, here with all I need, and how she misses her cottage that was exchanged recently for a mansion – “I miss this!” – I told her I’m glad she shared that with me because I do feel so comfortable here and its smallness is only one of the reasons.

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