The final countdown

We’re nearing that time when school lets out and Christmas comes and then New Year’s and then we rewind and repeat. Or rather this year, we move down our new path.

I wonder how many of you had a transitional year the likes of mine? I came out the gates of 2012 with a roar, ready to rock n roll, and suddenly got derailed and rethreaded and miraculously, re-energized.

This has been a year for the books or The Book about how losing is gaining and about thinking different.

Now sitting quietly and looking at the lights streaming across the bayou, and thinking of what the next couple of weeks have in store – visits from friends – visits with friends – and setting intentions for 2013 that are so different from those of 2012 that it feels as if I shed my snakeskin and emerged from under a boulder.

It’s December 17th and there is a fat crescent moon hanging in the sky. The big storm that was supposed to pass through last night didn’t come. The cold front that was pushing through is stalled. The lights on the bayou are as soft and dreamy as they’ve ever been.

And so here we go. I was speaking to a friend tonight who is finishing the Wire with one last episode to go. We were talking about Sex in the City and I told her about my rewatching the first season after my divorce, sick on my sofa on New Year’s Eve and how it all made me so sad. But, she said, the beauty was that it was dark, and they always lost, but they had each other to make it through.

And so for all of those people who helped me through this year, I’m grateful to you in so many ways that I can’t count them.

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