Gulf South Winter Joy

Today on this beautiful sunny day, we made homemade granola for Christmas gifts, we jumped on the trampoline, Tin helped his neighbor make orange muffins, a friend came over and put his hair in twists and showed me how, and we watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in claymation yet again. I read a post on Facebook from a woman I know suffers from an auto-immune disease, she made a plea that you would never know that she is ill because her illness doesn’t manifest itself outwardly but she hoped others could understand that she has rough patches that they can’t understand.

Similarly, I spoke with a woman who gave up her son for adoption 54 years ago, and was convinced he hated her until she met him two years ago and he was filled with love. She went on to parent an adopted child herself, well two of them, again, you never know how someone might be suffering on the inside what doesn’t appear on the outside.

At the end of the day, as we basked in the sunshine and enjoyed our friends who are family, it was another day to be grateful that we didn’t wake this morning after a tragedy, we woke this morning with love at our fingertips and that alone is worth bowing your head to say thanks for – as someone said, if you said one prayer in your life, let it be “thanks.”

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