All of life’s a stage

Last night, I went to see Anna Karenina and was looking forward to a date night with myself. Tatjana has been in Croatia for almost two weeks and it’s been difficult to get any time alone so I treated myself to a night out. Sunday meditations have been suspended, night time television watching has been a non event as I usually follow Tin to bed, and Heidi’s walks have been suspended or nearly abandoned.

I hadn’t read anything about the movie although I had definitely read Tolstoy’s novel. The movie was not what I expected, it was like dramas in dramas sometimes on stage and sometimes in character and at the end it was a story of a woman who feels trapped in her own life – stay with the man she doesn’t love because of her child, leave with the man she does love although he is a philanderer, or kill herself. Dear reader, we know how this ends.

Later, I met a friend at Bridge Lounge who had been watching Lincoln in the next theater. Bridge Lounge was packed with a movie crew celebrating the end of a shooting schedule. There was a big screen with images from the movie they are making and the cast and crew were all in a celebratory mood. Since they had taken over the place, it was almost like I was in the movie too. Again a movie within a movie within a life, within eternity.

It makes me wonder about what happens when you busy yourself daily and miss some of your stage cues, when to line up behind something or someone and when to walk offstage, when to bow, when to cry, and most of all, when to sing and dance, when to laugh.

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