Another warm wet winter

It’s early in December and I have been running around in shorts and tee shirt, a casualty of living in the Gulf South. We seem to like it this way as we tolerate August to not have to deal with winter, but this winter will make the second in a row that the garden blooms as if spring had sprung while butterflies dot the moist warm air.

I spent an hour with my life coach yesterday formulating a plan – email is a time suck, social media is distracting (even though social media is my work and I can’t ignore it) – how to create the work day with less urgency, less panting, less obstacles? And so it has been a process of elimination – you can’t have it all, you can’t do it all, you are it all, so give yourself time to breathe.

I’m building breaks into my schedule and allotting certain areas time to breathe as well. In the race to do it all, priorities got shifted and I was the one left holding the bag.

So when I look out the window right now and see rain drops hanging from the almost colored crepe myrtle I realize that once again life has a way of introducing many things and people into your life and you are the gatekeeper. You decide what to leave in and what to leave out. You are the master of your own destiny.

Captain of the ship so to speak. And now to find someone else to swab the decks.

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