The problem with living in New Orleans

Tomorrow is Saturday and like every day in New Orleans there is just too many events to do – there is the Treme Gumbo Fest, there is LadyFest going on and a parade at 4PM starting at Buffa’s, there is a friend’s 25th wedding anniversary party, there is live music everywhere, and there is a walk through at Carol Robinson’s gallery of Sandra Burshell’s artwork – some painted at the LaLa.

I didn’t get a chance to meditate today, because it’s been a full day of social media ranting and raving – why does Facebook make it so hard to just get a business page up? It’s crazy!!! Crazy I tell you.

Meanwhile, I picked up Tin and was driving down Martin Luther King Boulevard and I saw kids playing in the yard, folks sitting on their porch, and a general sense of slowing down, of the week being over, and I felt a keen sense that I’d better slow down or I am going to miss my own life. I came home and crossed three things off my list for tomorrow.

I need to time to be.

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