Just Say It

I’ve lived for a long time by a motto of fake it till you make it and that has served me well. Goethe said, “Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” I think it is more important to focus on what you say, because it narrates the life that becomes.

For a long time, I was saying I could do anything in life because those words were put into my mouth by my mother who truly believed I could do anything and she was specific about it too – she said don’t get married, live with someone, I would have done that if it had been available to me. I don’t regret any marriage but I should have listened to mom on that one – marriage does feel like a trap.

The message from the world are clear – do your own thing usually leads to trouble. But do your own thing is the message that became very clear to me this morning. Not only do your own thing but make it uniquely your own thing.

Everything that has happened to me in the past twelve months has been a blessing. I’m thankful. I am living the creative life that I could not when I was trapped in a 9-5 job working for the man and in this case a man for whom I have no respect.

It’s freeing to be able to create a vision for my own life, one that marries with my ambition, energy and creativity.

Thankfully, this woman on fire (she has more wisdom than a girl on fire) is here to say it’s okay to get off track from your heart’s desire, but seize any opportunity to get out that trick bag and get back onto your path. Chew your way through it, claw your way out of it, kick and scream and crawl back to your path to live the life that is uniquely yours.

I have gained so much in the past year that even Queen Hippolyta would be proud of where I stand today.

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