It’s all the history books

Last night, I went to the Foundry for a Waldorf fundraiser and Deacon John and the Ivories were playing. I walked over to him to say hi as he had played for my mom’s memorial service. He said he had played Sugar Boy’s funeral that morning.

The band was fabulous – there were two female singers along with Deacon John and they tore it up. We danced our feet off.

Later, a crowd of us made our way over to DBA where a DJ and some bounce dancers were getting their groove on and so were we. My groove is killing me this morning.

Nonetheless, I had this thought as I was in between dancing and sleeping and it occurred to me that there is a good chance in your lifetime you might not accomplish any great deed, but if your life is an accumulation of many small ones, then you will have contributed to a better world.

It was just a thought, and I thought this morning when I woke up of when I phoned Deacon John to sing at my mom’s gravesite and asked him how much he charged and he said, “I do this because it helps people in their time of grief.”

You wonder what your gifts are – that’s what people at the AARP conference have been talking about – discovering your gifts and using them wisely.

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