What you can’t explain

I was with a man for years who believed the rational mind overshadowed the spirit world (read: the world of no coincidences). It has come to our realization that the first time we were in Zagreb trying to get Tatjana pregnant – she had left the apartment to walk among the giant trees of Maksimir Park overwhelmed with a feeling that a baby would be born to us – the light had changed, the air had shifted – great miracles were being performed, she knew it, I knew it – we all felt it.

But it seemed it was not meant to be.

We came back from Croatia weary from the trials, and approached adoption, twice, and grew weary from the seeming lack of success. And then one day we received a phone call that changed our lives – and now when we connect the dots – we know the miracle that we had perceived was real – because Tin was conceived exactly at the same moment in time when the light changed, and the air shifted – and sometimes the universe is trying to tell you something but it’s so large, and so miraculous, that your rational mind cannot even comprehend it.

When I looked into Tin’s eyes I knew him as my son, from forever, and that can only happen when something larger than the mind can conceive of has given you a gift that was always meant for you.

5 Responses to “What you can’t explain”

  1. Mudd Says:


  2. Rachel Says:

    Thanks Mudd – we came to that conclusion when friends visiting us from Croatia put the math behind the miracle – we hadn’t thought of it ourselves – but isn’t it wonderful?

  3. Mudd Says:

    yes… goose-bump-wonderful!

  4. Rachel Says:

    thanks Mudd – I’m grateful for you.

  5. graham da ponte Says:

    “The math behind the miracle…” : )

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