Friends in right places

So before we left New Orleans, my friend Lara Lester gave me a massage for free – not just any massage mind you but a deep in the hip joint get it all loosey goosey type of massage that is still being felt so many miles away. She also gave me some head decorations and a tip to wear my party panties whenever possible.

But wait there’s more – she also gave me (us) mustaches just in case we get bored. Tin and I tried them out before leaving and when we were on the train from Madrid to Cadiz, he took up with a bunch of girls and once passed the nano second of shyness began asking them if they too wanted to wear mustaches like he and his mommy. They had NO IDEA what he was talking about and I was trying to take a cat nap but couldn’t help but giggle to myself as he waxed eloquently about how much fun wearing mustaches can be.

Today, since I had time to do laundry, look at some things online, and basically gather my wits while Tin is at the beach with Alejandro (totally making A look hotter than he already is), I was able to find my ornaments and match my outfit for the day. Thanks Lara for being the best of the best and for being part of my love fest with the world.

6 Responses to “Friends in right places”

  1. Mudd Says:

    coooool… love the look!

    are they bindies?

  2. Rachel Says:

    Yes Mudd – bindies!

  3. Mudd Says:

    What a creative idea. And you have a LOT of bindies out there, so yay choice!

  4. Rachel Says:

    Mudd – your ears must be ringing because today we met Tatjana’s friends from Washington that live here part time and he had just gotten a tattoo for his 60th and I said I thought about tattooing my head but am expecting my hair to grow back and then what – i told them about your beautiful design on your bald head.

  5. Mudd Says:

    FINALLY… I’m once again catching up with your humongous amount of posts. “Why doesn’t she write a book?” I keep asking myself. “I could carry it around with me,” I keep telling myself. I need to get out more and talk to people, I think. πŸ˜‰

    You should get a tattoo even though your hair will grow back. You’ll enjoy it while you’re bald, and you’ll have a cool story to tell when it’s all covered and hidden away. It doesn’t have to be big and complicated β€” a simple small design will do. Why not get it in Spain? Would make for a lovely souvenir…

  6. Rachel Says:

    Mudd – a bull perhaps! As to getting out more, it’s overrated! Love, R

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