30 years in a few sentences

I went to my Class of ’77 30-year high school reunion in Atlanta this weekend. They sent a form that said describe what you have been doing in a few sentences since High School. I wrote “Are you kidding?” – but I read the entries of my classmates and there seemed to be a unanimous “married for 20 something years, raised X number of kids, love to (insert one or two – golf, hike, sail, travel, praise God).”

I went to Lakeside High School, which was one for the first mega schools to open in Atlanta – my class had 300 students. I sifted through the names in the “memory” book and was surprised to learn, I knew maybe five of those 300 by first name. It was the class of ’76 I knew pretty well – I dated a few of them, and went to their parties, and they came to mine.

A few guys came up to me and said, “Rachel Namer, I remember you threw the best parties.” And I said, “Still do.”

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