Uncertainty is the new black

I spoke with a woman today who said this, that, it’s all up in the air, nothing predictable, hard to know what to think or hold onto. Ah yes, uncertainty, the new black. We are early adapters of uncertainty here in New Orleans, cutting edge so to speak, for the U.S. that is, because there are many countries and people that have been dealing with uncertainty most of their lives.

From the seat of advantage, country wise, income wise, race wise, culture wise – it’s not easy to have the ground shift beneath you – it’s why waterbeds came and went as a fad. People want to be on solid ground, otherwise we’d all be swaying in hammocks.

But get used to it – China today said their economy is slowing at an alarming rate. Combine that with a sinking Euro Nation and a paralyzed U.S. and you get a bunch of global gobbilty gook.

Or you learn to how to rethink instead of just think. You learn that intuition matters more than knowing. From the ground up, you give yourself over to the great adventure and say, okay, but what about this, or that, because when all bets are off, you can radically reinvent yourself, your life, suddenly it is better to not be sitting in the catbird seat because up there, you can’t live by your scrappy senses.

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