Hello Yoga

Hello yoga my old friend, it’s good to be with you again
Because my hours wasted on my tears, as light crept through the fears
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains, amped on the sounds of silence

Today, I made it to yoga in the first of two months where I’ve been spending time turning and turning a new chrysalis. The mantra was perfectly in tune:

Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnu
Gurur Devo Maheshwarah
Guru Saakshaata Parabrahma
Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah

Loosely, the most difficult circumstances to accept in a positive way are the calamities, the injuries and illnesses that befall us physically or mentally … manifests as the big challenges in our lives, which actually provide us with the greatest opportunities for clearing away … and embracing all that happens to us as a gift … Destruction always opens the door for transformation.

This is an old favorite from circa 2005 Federal Flood:

Lee Lorenz’s comic showed up in the New Yorker and it was as timely as any to describe the beginning of our new journey. And so I say my problems may be small in comparison to those who suffer more, but they’re my bumps in the road, and I’m a sensitive creature who feels the highs and lows dearly and who offers a profound response each time.

Let the healing begin.

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