Tin – highs and lows

Today, I was on my way home listening to WWOZ and the music was Evan Christopher’s The Remembering Song from his album of the same name. The DJ came on afterwards and said, “I ran into Evan the other morning at Louis Armstrong Park and he had his godson on his shoulders and they had just been speaking with Herbie Hancock.” HIGH

LOW – Before Tin was coming back from school I cleaned out the family pool, which had sand from when one of his younger friends had dumped some in there. My yard guy helped me empty, turn it over, and wash it out, so by the time he had come home it was being filled and pristinely ready. He got in immediately and played. Then I gave him two peanut butter cookies that my friend had brought over for Mother’s Day and a glass of milk. Then I made him a quesadilla. Afterwards he wanted to get back in the pool and he did. While I blinked he had taken a load of sand and dumped it in the pool even though we had just had a conversation about my cleaning the pool and how we don’t put sand in it. LOW

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