Onward weary (wary) soldiers

I woke way too early, I went back to sleep, and my horoscope for today had a good message so I took it and ran with it.

May 12, 2012
Taurus (4/20-5/20)
If your life is a circle (and you’re standing in the middle of it), are you going to spend energy turning around, giving equal focus to your past, present, and future? Of course not — if you did, you would get awfully dizzy awfully fast! Your life is actually more like a line — a very squiggly line, full of odd doglegs and weird little curly cues. But the important thing is, no matter how many times you veer off the path, you have to keep your general direction moving forward!

Actually life is probably more like my Russian friend tells me, it’s a spiral that gets wider and wider and every time you come back around to where you have been you hope to be on the next rung so the intervals take longer; the whole idea being you keep encountering similar challenges in life but as you evolve you meet those challenges further and further apart and you are more evolved when you meet them again.

But the message here is like Tony Soprano once said, “You keep going. You pick up the pieces and go on.”

2 Responses to “Onward weary (wary) soldiers”

  1. anne flournoy Says:

    Of course you’re also a Taurus. Yay. Taureans unite! Thanks for this Rachel.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Of course, don’t you know we stick like glue?

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