Scarf art and the art of neutrality

People have been commenting on my talent for scarves and I have to admit I’m someone who could never even put a barrette in my hair and here I am creatively learning new ways to dress the head. I am a firm believer that given an opportunity everyone learns something new and so that is why life is constantly throwing you these boomerangs – to keep you a student.

I was at the Zen center a few Sundays ago and had stayed for the service – and found it not my thing only because I had grown up with a religion steeped in its own idiosyncratic rituals and to accept another was just too much in my longing to simplify. But the good thing is that they are very amenable to you taking from it what you want. Today, in a pleasant surprise I heard them open up to the idea of creating our own thing based on what people want – so will be interesting to see which way this winds, but for now the meditation part has been inordinately helpful.

I keep facing the fact that my troubles are mere bubbles in the pool of teeming angst that has everyone in its artful grip. A friend and neighbor called to tell me her sister had died suddenly. My troubles seems surmountable in this perspective. I saw my other friend and neighbor who has just gotten through her breast cancer, and she informed me two young women in our neighborhood have been diagnosed recently.

Last night, friends and neighbors threw a party and invited us all to come celebrate with music and food and friends and again I found myself impressed by my bounty.

So I am learning about scarves – one day at a time.

One Response to “Scarf art and the art of neutrality”

  1. Alice Says:

    Just wondering if your head gets cold at night. I remember that as my biggest problem with being bald. Even though my hair has always been thin, I never before realized the warmth it provided my head!

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