Dying parents

I asked a friend today about his mother and he told me she died three weeks ago. I didn’t know. He said he thinks about her more now than he did when she was alive. Another guy emailed me that he was sorry he didn’t make my party because his father was in the hospital all weekend; he’s out now. My mom came to the party on Saturday night – she’s going to be 72 this December – that is young, right? – 72 seems young to me these days. But she doesn’t wear it well – she seems old and fragile and feeble. When I helped her to the taxi at around 10:30PM, she looked up at me in her brand new floral frilly blouse she had bought special for the party and said, “I had a fabulous time!”

Later J said she was speaking to my mom for a while and she hadn’t noticed before how much of a flair of drama she has about her. She told me the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Oh really? Well J’s dad is a country western singer which is probably why the last time she had the Karaoke mic she was singing Endless Love like the cows were about to come home.

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