Where no one is a stranger

I got my Ipod and was going to take a walk with Loca this evening and get us both some exercise after my Pilates class. But Arlene gave me those big blue and brown eyes and I had to take her along which made for a much different walk. So I turned on my music and was just starting to listen to Loudon Wainwright’s Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder when the first person stopped and started talking to me. So I took one of the earphones out, then we crossed the bridge, and a woman stopped and was asking me questions about Loca and I had to take the other one out. As I made it across, I ran into the woman I wrote about earlier – the one who took elocution classes for her Yankee beau – and we talked for a while.

Then I saw Barbara standing out in front of her house, which is directly across the bayou from mine, and Joe has been telling me she wanted to know who did my roof – so I stopped to tell her and we got to talking because she was watching the party the other night and said it looked like fun. Then Dagmar, who lives down a few houses walked by and she was asking me how the party went and I told them both that I had invited the entire city of New Orleans so I don’t know how they didn’t get on the list other than I didn’t know them until just now. Barbara has lived in her house for 27 years. Dagmar grew up in her house and she is in her late 70s or early 80s. They both said they’ve seen some stuff. Ya think?

It makes me feel good to know that I have the potential to be an old woman living in the LaLa – wouldn’t that make for a great life? Surrounded by my peeps.

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