The Triple Crown of Heartbreaks

I walked Arlene and Loca around the bayou then dropped Arlene off and took Loca for a longer walk through City Park. The graceful herons were out in abundance in the lagoon and Loca was content to walk beside me and not investigate. I thought about my emotional state lately and the memories that have flooded my waking thoughts and decided to put things in perspective. I got this far in life without having my heart broken, quite a feat if you consider how thoroughly I open my heart up. And my heart wasn’t just broken, it was torn asunder by two men and a boy, so it was the Triple Crown of Heartbreaks.

Passing under the massive oaks with the moss hanging down, I thought if there were world enough and time I might go through a dozen Triple Crown of Heartbreaks since each one was worth the hurt. I met my soulmate in my husband, and yes, I think you can have more than one in a lifetime. I had the affair of most people’s dreams with a man who showed me a world of tenderness and passion. And I love(d) a little boy like he was my own. Some people go through life and don’t have even one of those experiences.

So with perspective and my glass half full, I’m a lucky woman for having been loved by those two men and a boy and for having loved them. And the best part is that there are more experiences to be had. I’ve got the world on a string is how I see it and next time I’m going for the trifecta, because why not.

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