Rain drops keep falling on my head

Well it is that time of year again – Endymion Saturday – and much like last year it is pouring down rain, only last year Endymion Saturday was also Tin’s 2nd birthday and we stupidly thought we would have a pool party since it had been so warm. Not.

Now it is raining so hard you can’t see out the windows but Endymion is saying they will roll at 5:30 and supposedly this too shall pass.

In the meantime, there is nothing like a rainy day in New Orleans to make you want to curl up, grab a book and joint the parallel universes that exist all around us. Speaking of those, in my dreams last night I joined a group of people who were headed to a swimming hole, it was high up on a hill and you had to climb a ladder to get there, but once up, you dove into the water and what was beyond was a big blue ocean.

Now this is the sort of universe I could easily call home.

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