Valentine’s with the Diva

This morning started off on perhaps a shaky foot having gotten a call in the middle of the night from the Central Lock Up and some sergeant named Blakely. Only I didn’t catch the call, just the voicemail and it took till this morning to realize the area code was 713 – so unless someone in my family found themselves in jail, I’m not sure that call was intended for me.

On the other hand, we just finished reading Your Three Year Old as we are about to hit that number, but the book remarks about how 3 is fabulous and again the terror is 3 1/2 – only just like most things, Tin is advanced, so the horror the book depicts HAS BEGUN.

Evil Tin
1) screams when you try to dress him
2) won’t eat anything he has liked in the past
3) won’t sit in his chair at the table
4) says NOOOOOOOOO to everything you ask

Tender Tin
1) getting cuter every day
2) able to do more himself
3) loves reading
4) played his make believe trombone (read: drum stick) all morning while watching his shadow on the wall

He gave me a kiss before leaving and said Happy Valentine’s Day! So he gets points for that seeing how as an almost man, this is a major improvement over some men in my life who wouldn’t even acknowledge V-Day.

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