
I dreamt last night of elephants in a much more complex narrative than I would even imagine I had inside my head. Why was I in India, with a man, who was angry at me, and who booked two rooms for us in Vietnam because he didn’t want to be in the same room, and yet there were elephants large and humungous and small baby elephants slogging through the almost liquid mud everywhere and there was also intrigue, a man who I was supposed to go downstairs and get the plane tickets from who had driven up in a white very old Volvo but on the way down the stairs I noticed there was another couple sitting on the couch with earphones looking at a screen, but I heard another man enter and tell them they were going to kill my man. And though I had gone downstairs without my top and had to run back to get it, I saw peripherally that same man now downstairs in a carport and watched him kill another man with a knife.

If you look up elephant dreams in a book the interpreters say that elephants symbolize money and power and strength. If you think of the Hindu elephant god Ganesha, he is the remover of obstacles and is often associated with wealth and gain.

But it is also Ganesha who puts the obstacles there, which is why he is constantly depicted with a churlish smile on his face.

My concern is that I finally got to India and there I am, sitting around pouting because some man has determined how my life would go and instead of picking up the knife myself I was running back and forth trying to fix the situation and save him from his imminent death, while getting the tickets, and trying to get dressed.

Elephants have a long memory – that is also something to contemplate here.

2 Responses to “Elephants”

  1. Alice Says:

    I was in India last night too. But my dream wasn’t as crazy as yours. Have you considered what you ate or drank the evening before?

  2. Rachel Says:

    It is an amalgamation – Tatjana brought home this honey that is filled with immunity boosters from some famous nutritionist and like most things from Eastern Europe it is dark and bitter – unlike any honey we know of here in the South. At the same time because of the loss of my job I was unable to give to http://www.elephantsanctuary.org/ which I have supported for years and believe in and feel horrible about not having anything to contribute this year. And then a friend of ours is in India and although I didn’t know it, had called T to talk about his just getting back and the two boys he had financially adopted to help with medical care etc. On and on. And I do think Ganesha was present – I had sent out a notice of my new company – http://greenlightglobalresearch.com/ – and was thinking of work and all that it entails. So yes, my dream was under the influence. But I’m sure yours was more interesting!

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