My queendom for a cuddle

Tin is obsessed with cuddling at night and so we cuddle. We cuddle and he tells me stories like the one about how I was walking down the street and then came an alligator and he had big teeth and I started moving back and forth and I fell out the window but the elephant watched as I played the piano.

I realized as we cuddled last night (ahem, after the 15 minute tantrum meltdown from toddler hell) just how small he really is. He is so small and yet his brain is going a million miles a minute pulling from all his experiences to try to create the narrative of his life.

So far that story has a lot of alligators and instruments in it, and his best buddies Zebra, Evan the alligator and Leonardo figure prominently in most activities. Neno Medo gets kicked to the curb a lot and Nina the turtle is often left on the sidelines.

I keep thinking he is going to get it very soon here – that you can’t jump on the bed, you can’t pull the shade off the window, that you can’t dive off the table nor stand on it. I am watching and waiting.

But what I fear is that by the time he gets it, the cuddles will go too.

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