Circle, Dot, A steroid shot

I went to the doctor this morning as my upper respiratory sinus thing was waxing all over again and sure enough I have sinusitis and a Zpak and got a nice big steroid shot in my rump. Please go away sinusitis – I am walking on thin ice as it is.

This morning I picked up one cat in one hand and placed it out the back door. Picked up the other cat and placed it out the front door. And was willing to sell both dogs to the lowest bidder.

I took Tin to a playdate, but no that wasn’t good enough, he came home and decided to wet down his bed with the humidifier, break the shamash off the electric menorah in the window, and pull the video monitor out of the wall socket.


Yesterday, as the heater repair man was climbing up and down out of the attic trying to figure out why there is zone slippage, I told him we were renting out the house. He said, “At least you have that option.”

I said you’re so right, at least, and be grateful for what you do have.

So today, Tin who likes to recite his full name, his birthday, his address and then say and I’m in a marching band, had his own reason to be grateful, he got to wear the Panorama funeral hat that Ben Schenk wears for second lines.

And the guy who started the company I worked out for the past 16 years called me to say that he appreciated all I had done for the company, and he said I was a “creative, driving force” for the company for all those years. Thank you Craig Gordon, I appreciate you too!

So circle the things that are negative, put a dot on them, then shrink them with a good dose of virtual steroids.

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