Tin’s First Report Card

Name:   Tin                       Date:_11/21/11__________

Choices in Play/Style of Play (inside and outside):
Tin loves to play and interact with the other children.  While playing indoors, Tin loves prefers to build (mainly the superdome), make a “house” using the silks and play stands, rally his friends to form a marching band, and cook breakfast for his friends.  Tin greatly enjoys interacting with his peers and rarely plays alone.  Outdoors, Tin is very active.  He loves riding the bikes and has recently mastered bouncing on the jumping balls. 

Relationship with peers/participation in groups:
Tin absolutely loves his classmates.  It is evident that Tin looks forward to seeing his friends each morning and greets each child upon arrival.  Tin is extremely charismatic and has a wonderfully upbeat attitude, making him well liked by his peers.  His challenge is learning how to wait his turn.  He often snatches toys from other children and has a tendency to knock toys down if he cannot participate.

Ability to handle conflicts/resolutions:
Tin needs teacher guidance for handling conflicts.  In order for Tin and a classmate to resolve a conflict, a teacher must address the situation and model the appropriate behavior.  Once modeled however, Tin does correct himself.

*This behavior is absolutely appropriate for his age.

Relationship/response to teacher:
Tin is generally great at following directions.  He is extremely loving towards his teachers.  As he gets more comfortable in the classroom, he is beginning to test authority.  He will often times do the opposite of what his teachers ask him just to elicit a response.  However he does respond well to consistency and apologizes after being addressed.

Initiative and independence:
Tin is a very independent child.  He separates from his parents easily in the morning and is very self confident throughout the day.  He wants little, if any, help with personal care (putting on his shoes, jackets, bathroom needs) but is gracious about accepting it when needed.

Circle participation and transition:
Tin is wonderful during our circle time.  He is very drawn towards music and loves to participate in singing songs.  He also shows great concentration on learning new songs, stories, and fingerplays.  Tin also transitions from one activity to another with ease.  He is always excited to learn and do new things.

Tin has great focus, especially for his age.  He pays very close attention to songs and stories and often picks them up much faster than his peers.

Free time observation:
Tin is self-directed during free play.  He is extremely creative and can turn anything into a musical instrument.  He is very engaged in what he is doing and draws the other children into his play with him.

Tin is a risk taker.  He certainly thinks outside of the box and is not affected by what his peers are doing or thinking.

Gross/fine motor development:
Tin’s motor development is exactly where it should be.  He is very balanced on his feet and able to run, jump, throw, and kick with ease.  Tin’s fine motor development seems to be improving rapidly.  He is now able to put on his shoes by himself and striving to button his own pants.

I do not see anything that will hinder Tin in the future.  All of Tin’s difficulties (sharing, ability to handle conflicts) are due to Tin’s age and maturity level.

Tin has an incredibly positive and infectious attitude.  He is instantly loved by everyone that meets him.  In the classroom, Tin’s eagerness to learn and untamed creativity make him a standout.

2 Responses to “Tin’s First Report Card”

  1. Alice Says:

    Loved reading this. I feel like I’m watching a prodigy from afar as he grows up. You are really proud of him I know!

  2. Rachel Says:

    I waited 50 years for him – he’s priceless!

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