The house is you!

My brother was visiting from Atlanta – he came in with his friend to look at investing in renovating houses. There were some areas that he said were hard to visualize because there were blocks and blocks of nothing. And in the areas that weren’t as bad as that, the prices were too high to make it worth their while.

Meanwhile, he loved my house. He said from top to bottom this house is you – it’s got you written all over it. Everyone says that – this house is me. It got me to thinking that Steve designed a house that is me. Which got me to thinking how when I was buying the house sight unseen I asked N to come look at it and he called me and said, “I get it.” And he said, “You’ll get it. But Steve won’t.”

Turns out Steve did get it – he got the house, he got me, he designed a house that was me. Seems like he did get it. And seems like N didn’t – doesn’t – won’t.

How come you know what you know after you need to know it – sometimes – kind of like those great comebacks that land on your tongue way after the situation calls for that pithy retort.

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