How many balls can you juggle?

Tatjana juggles, it is something about her that endeared me from the moment we met. She’s actually quite good with a ball – she was a national basketball player for Croatia, she’s good at handball; she just has great eye hand coordination.

I don’t. I usually duck if a ball is headed my way.

But I am the master of juggling proverbial balls in the air. Right now I feel like the Cat in the Hat about to take a spill. I need to take a big deep breath. I have Re-Bridge’s gala coming up and that is only after The Waldorf School’s gala, but then I also have my work and back to back reports, and then I have my new company of which I’ve yet to set up a bank account for, and then there are the rentals – I field inquiries all day long and we have three confirmed rentals thus far – yee ha! Oh and did I mention that we are purging and reconfiguring the house.

Oh, and that little other fact, we have a toddler!

I ran, not walked, but raced the truck to yoga today because I have not been to the gym in a month of days and I got there 15 minutes late, and within three minutes Catherine transported me to a place where I was breathing evenly, moving fluidly, and still.

God bless you Catherine and all the yogis out there who are keeping us overworked overwrought Americans sane.

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