Pop Up Jazz Brunch

Evan Christopher put together a pop up jazz brunch at Clever today and maybe because he’s Tin’s godfather, he also made it a family friendly one. Playing with Evan was James Singleton on bass, Herman Lebeaux on drums, and Matt Lemmler on keyboards and when I say the joint was jumpin’ I mean it was on fyyyy ahhh. No where in the world was there a jazz brunch like this one for the kind of music that was rolling off these talented four. Amazing.

Bart from Crescent Pie and Sausage catered the brunch with quiche, brisket and sweet potato hash, yogurt parfait, bread pudding and Clever was serving some delicious bloody marys and belinis, Yum. The joint became standing room only, and in the audience were a few celebrities too: Leon “Kid Chocolate” Brown and his beautiful family and Lars Edegran. Another celebrity in her own right, Evan’s beautiful wife, Nina, was serving up the grub in back wearing the best looking apron I’ve seen around.

Like godfather, like godson

2 Responses to “Pop Up Jazz Brunch”

  1. Alice Says:

    ‘Haven’t been here in more than a month of Sundays, so I dropped by to catch up. The music you describe here sounds awesome, but I’m telling you reading about the food served, my tummy went hubba hubba, not altogether blamable (is that a word?) on the prednisone I’m taking for a recent RA flare. Yummy, I can hardly wait for my own dinner. Tin is handsome as ever.

  2. Rachel Says:

    Thanks Alice – I saw a post of yours come through and hope your vacation was good – haven’t caught up yet as I’ve got a lot of balls in the air, but will and hope to hear about good things from traveling (as well as your RA flare – ugh – sorry).

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