Hand, Foot, Mouth and More

Yesterday as I had said earlier was the landmark day and I had so much that I had been thinking about, but no time to sit and write about any of it because Tin was not feeling well and was in need of some major attention. So I put aside everything and sat on the floor of his room with him and played Legos.

And then my friends came over with a bottle of champagne to celebrate the end of an era for me, and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. We drank, we laughed, and then we all went to sleep and I slept the sleep of the dead for the first time in a long time.

This morning, we got up and let Tin sleep late and had almost decided he wouldn’t go to school when he popped out of bed and said he wanted to go. So he did, and then an hour later I got the call that he was sick and needed to come home. But it was hard to describe what it was he had, he just wanted to be held, and kept complaining that there was a triangle on his head and he wanted it off. He had been saying this for three days and we thought at first he meant literally the triangle that they play in nursery school when they are singing, and then we thought it was some fictional triangle and so Tatjana performed an exorcism ritual on it last night, and then today the triangle was still on his head.

Long day of crying, holding, and then the appearance of bumps and we headed to the doctor and find out he has hand, foot and mouth disease and it seems so does every other kid in the city. Oh lordy.


2 Responses to “Hand, Foot, Mouth and More”

  1. Alice Says:

    This can’t be good. I didn’t know people can get hand, foot and mouth disease, sounds like something a horse or cow gets.

  2. Rachel Says:

    It’s a virus that expresses itself with blisters on the mouth, palms and bottoms of the feet. It’s painful and of course it is spreading like wildfire through the city right now through the nursery schools.

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