The anachronism ends here

A woman drove up the other day and handed me my Yellow Pages. I wanted to hand them back to her but instead let her drive to the next house and marched over to the recycle bin and threw it in. Yellow Pages? Is she serious? Are they serious? Dead to me.

The Times Picayune is thrown to my front yard Monday through Saturday and the New York Times on Sunday. I read the newspaper while Tin eats his breakfast and he says repeatedly, “Mommy, what is that?” pointing to any image in the paper that strikes his fancy. “This,” I tell him, “is a newspaper that you will most likely never read in your adult life.” It is moribund.

Global recessions take five years to overcome or so says Bill Clinton, but this one that started in 2008 has been going strong for three full years. I’d like to say it is dead to me but the more I look around the more I want to stick my head in the sand. Is ambition, investing, home values going up, the middle class all a thing of the past? Are they already anachronisms?

How about the death penalty – shouldn’t that be an anachronism starting right now with Troy Davis?

Call! Attorney General Eric Holder at 202-353-1555 urge him to intercede on Troy Davis.

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