How is New Orleans doing?

If the Saints hadn’t won yesterday maybe the mood around here would be different, but they did win and it seems like everyone is just up to their usual routine of daily life. It rained today. Fall officially begins this Friday although even that seems debatable according to a recent article I read. There is a meeting come up about starting a Time Bank here in New Orleans. I could throw a small rock and not hit one person around me who is not for taxing the most wealthy people in this country a little more. We have one more month to go before we can say yay, hurricane season is over. All in all I wouldn’t say it is business as usual down here in New Orleans, I’d say that we are still healing a big gaping wound but we’ve found a way to survive it without an inordinate help from alcohol and cigarettes, which is how most of us weathered the first year post Federal Flood. I see a lot of people living their lives and not expecting any great catalyst of change for the better, or for that matter, for the worse.

So while the rest of the world goes on about the grand problems of debt, war, not enough water or too much water, we are eeking out our existence here, just trying to make sure we spend a little time on the porch watching fish jump out of the water or maybe even catching one and eating it.

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