Big Love

We were supposed to be watching Treme but much like everything around here, T changed her mind and switched Netflix’s next in line to Big Love, which sort of vexed me at first since I was all set to watch Treme (just like I had been all set to watch Dark Shadows when she pulled the plug on that series) – T’s a Libra – they are supposed to be balanced since that is what the scale represents, but they are not balanced, oh no, they are constantly changing positions from one polar opposite to the next with such alacrity it is downright frightening some times for us Bulls.

But I digressed to horoscopes, which shows you how tired I am, what I was going to say is we watched the first episode of Big Love and it was really good. Of course, Harry Dean Stanton is in it – what a great part he has too! – and it’s that old rule of thumb when it comes to anything HDS is in – it’s gotta be good.

Highly recommend if the rest of the episodes remotely live up to the pilot.

2 Responses to “Big Love”

  1. Alice Says:

    I was hooked on Big Love from the get-go when we had HBO. Now I watch in when it’s available on Netflix. Last season got a bit weird, but the last season recently wrapped is a doozy I understand. Surprisingly good actors and very popular in my area of SLC.

  2. Rachel Says:

    I imagine so Alice – quite the deal to be living right in the midst of all this.

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