The front porch wants a party

I went for a long bike ride yesterday morning and was able to examine then file away several things that have been at the forefront of my mind.

The list:
1) The things that make you a stronger person hurt like hell.
2) Any day that I am not appreciative and grateful for my life is a dark day.
3) People see what they want to see in you – but no one ever knows all the myriad parts that make you who you are.

G and I were going to go to Bacchanal since Monday is a holiday and so I was trying to get some things down around the house – paint that hole I patched, urethane the astragal that was replaced. But J came by to sit on the porch and before I knew it G&T arrived with mimosas in hand, then M stopped in, and S was riding her bike by and stopped for a mimosa, and G walked over and we ended up hanging out till the Mardi Gras Indians started down the bayou – then we walked down there to start their walk down Orleans.

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