Accentuate the postive

I ran into a few of my morning walkers this morning in City Park, one who had been fired erroneously from her position and who later learned her boss had been embezzling the funds that was paying all of their salaries, another who had seen the handwriting on the wall in the ’80s when he was working with the oil rigs and the count was going down precipitously and so he segued out of that long-term career into owning a building with a laundromat only to have the Federal Flood hit him with a one-two punch losing both that source of income and his home. Just as he was putting his life back together, the economy tanked and so too the value of his investments. And then I encountered the walker who has a prissy dog who always gives me the evil eye because Loca licks her chops when she sees Ms. Priss go by.

Now I tell you under that dark cloud I came to realize a few things I already knew but which bear repeating – life is what you make of it. I’ve been seriously reprimanded for this attitude by friends who want me to just echo back to them what they are telling me – they want to hear “yeah that sucks” “yeah you are fucked” but I cannot reprogram to tell them what I refuse to tell myself. My comments are more like, “The universe provides,” “This door closing opens a new door.” “Checking in with the now, helps you forget all the what if’s” – I’m not saying these things because they are easy pseudo new agey feel good things to just say, I’m saying them because it matters what you tell yourself.

If you say to yourself, wow I’m screwed, that sucks, life is a real pain – then that will come to be. But if you say, I walked outside this morning and the birds were singing, my family is healthy, and I’m healthy, and all of the rest of it is problem solving as that is what life is, sometimes it has you juggling so hard you are panting for breath and sometimes it throws soft balls and sometimes hard balls and sometimes those old curve balls, but that’s life. The meaning of which is to live it.

2 Responses to “Accentuate the postive”

  1. kim Says:

    I believe and love this mindset, this M.V.
    you so wonderfully write about , put into words. Thanks RND!

  2. Alice Says:

    I believe emphatically in what you say, and you say it so well!

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