Figure it out

The Cox Cable guys decided to come camp out at my house the last two days. Everyone wonders what is wrong with Rachel – her computer dies, her modem dies, her printer dies, her cellphone dies, her Blackberry dies, her camera dies, her email goes down, her web host goes MIA – it’s like I am in the digital world but the digital world is against me. Know what I mean? I really need to get out of the bad digital karma that has plagued me for over a year. So when the Cable guy supervisor came and told me we need to amplify, I just said figure it out. (love this new expression as a friend of mine said he had met a woman on, hooked up with her when he wasn’t expecting it, without a condom, she said, FIGURE IT OUT, so he did what any healthy boy would do, he ran to the convenience store lickety split).

I had a heart to heart with Joe, my yard guy, because he shows up willy nilly, and has taken to calling my name a la Marlon Brandon in a Streetcar Named Desire: RACHEL RACHEL RACHEEEEEEEEEEL up to my office right when I seem to be on the phone for work. I said look find a day that works for you, come on your own accord, call me the day before, I will have my truck moved out of the driveway and money on the table for you but don’t yell for me when I am in my office – it is very stressful. In other words, figure it out!

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