Jazz Fest 2011

My favorite time of year, Jazz Fest, and I can almost feel the drumroll about to begin and see the horns shining in the sun not to mention the feathers flying from the Mardi Gras Indians parading around the Fairgrounds. I remember when going to Jazz Fest meant simple things – a hat, a brass pass, a schedule, sunglasses and let the bands begin. Now I have been spending all week outfitting the super stroller event of the year – a new cup holder for the stroller, two travel chairs – one for Tin with an elephant and one for me made of mesh to keep me cool, an umbrella and two velcro straps to attach it to the stroller, an freezer bag, diapers and wipes, bubbles (I sent back the gazillion bubble machine that I was going to attach to the stroller because it malfunctioned so we’re going old fashioned the simple blow-the-wand method), a hot potato toy, and I’m bringing a book, sunscreen and god knows what else. Whatyagonnado?

I’ve mapped out the agenda and find myself pretty much setting up camp in Congo Square for most days, albeit we’ll have to travel to see a few bands here and there. One of the best days is Sunday, May 1st — WHICH I WILL BE MISSING!!!!!!!! because my nephew decided to get married in Atlanta on Jazz Fest – why? The line up is incomprehensible that Sunday – head shakingly incomprehensible. Boo-hoo.

2 Responses to “Jazz Fest 2011”

  1. rotatingmass Says:

    I’ll come find you and Tin one day for a dance!

  2. Rachel Says:

    a nickel a dance!

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