Global education?

A friend forwarded this video to me about a revolution in education and yet the revolution is a throwback to an education system that worked that we then changed and institutionalized and silo’d ages and sometimes gender and lost all of this momentum. I went to see a woman talk about her life in Tibet and how children are educated by throwing everyone in the classroom together and the older kids help the younger kids and kids are able to learn at their own pace.

Khan is advocating that here. So it took a computer revolution and a hedge fund analyst to go back and do education the way it used to be done to revolutionize education. Amazing.

What’s really unique is the way you could connect and mentor kids around the world!

2 Responses to “Global education?”

  1. susie bruce Says:

    aww, I love it when you write about MY stuff…it was so inspiring…i want to hook up all my latest clients (clients I jUST got mind you) so they can pass this year….maybe it will be my next mission…

  2. Rachel Says:

    I like the whole idea and was talking about with my friend who has a two and a half year old who is going to the same Montessori that we want to put Tin in.

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