It’s not the kids we have to worry about

I was born in 1959 and if you are my age then you might remember the anxiety the Cold War produced in us kids and how I used to have nightmares about a plane crashing into the moon across an inky blue sky and then the world coming to an end. Well, I just got a notice from a kid’s site telling me as a parent how to reduce the anxiety in my child over all the events going on in the world.

But, of course, you will have to unwind me, the parent, from the fetal position to do this as I’m the one all this uncertainty has crept into and turned my mind into a nightmare of vipers and militia beasts vying for oxygen. Let me start my motor 9/11, Federal Flood, divorce, LaLa remodel in post-Katrina times, Sri Lanka, Haiti, Pakistan, Japan (let’s not even mention Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Egypt), 2008-___ Recession, shall I continue?

Curses to you anxiety and uncertainty. Woe is the adult who can’t find the oxygen mask so that she can succor her child.

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