Missives from Japan

A missive from Japan:

This website below really encouraged me to look at bright side and stay positive. It is a message board for people who have seen “good” in this disaster in Japan.

I liked this one.

“On my four-hour walk home, a woman was standing out on the sidewalk holding up a sign that read “Please feel free to use our bathroom!” Japan is the most heartwarming country in the world. I just cried and cried.” @fujifumi

2 Responses to “Missives from Japan”

  1. Alice Says:

    Hubby used to travel there fairly frequently in his capacity as a nuclear engineer/scientist. He says they’re going through tough times now for sure, but he has no doubt they’re going to be okay because they’re a very strong people. Are you impressed as I am that you don’t see or hear anything about looting and thievery. Instead you see stories like the one you share here. At the same time, people–here in Utah and other ignoramus states–are buying up supplies and assuming the worst, and it’s all Obama’s fault of course!

  2. Rachel Says:

    Alice – exactly. We here in New Orleans have been commenting about the way these people are working in a calm manner to get their country back together and that there are no signs of civil disobedience just the extraordinary heroism of every day people. I don’t want to slight Americans and New Orleanians who pulled together some amazing strength and resources during our disaster, but the ones who behaved like idiots gave us all a bad name. And if you read anything of the police reports I posted, still do.

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