If you write about it, will they come?

Or more importantly will they get it? I ran into Ernie at the Historic Collection today and we both left wondering about Michael Lewis’ potential book on New Orleans and what that might be. How do you describe New Orleans in a way that makes the rest of the world understand why we choose to live here and why this place – redolent with indolence – resonates for us in such a way that we don’t have the ability to live elsewhere? I kept saying it’s because we’ve all come here with a likeness of mind and that the gathering supports the culture. Because I have heard New Orleans music while not in the city but it didn’t feel the same as hearing it here. I have eaten an oyster poboy in San Francisco and it didn’t taste like an oyster poboy here. Maybe it’s indescribable and maybe that is good because if you get it, you get it. But if you don’t, then you live in Los Angeles or Chicago or Salt Lake City.

Lewis said his favorite book is Confederacy of Dunces – I wholeheartedly agree – if you want to know New Orleans – read that book and laugh till your belly hurts. I’ve read it five times and intend to do so again soon.

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