Bayou Walks

Walking around the bayou this morning after playdate with L and dogs in tow, we happened upon the running couple, as we do most every morning. They are so Ward and June Cleaver perky that we both sneer after waving to them. He’s a public figure and he has the plastic smile of one. How can two people be any more stereo typed? I miss the nuns – where are they? Do they not walk in the cold or have they not returned since Katrina? The little lipstick applying school girls are back, slumping along to Cabrini, as if on the Bataan Death March.

News has come that the Parkway will reopen on the 17th with a party to celebrate. Thankfully – now with Terranova back and Degas and Lola, midcity is striving to make its comeback. But last night with the window open and my head out looking for stars, I couldn’t help but sigh looking out across the blackness that shadows most of this hood. And again I marveled that downtown is that way – why can I not locate myself geographically?

One column has been erected at the LaLa and it is purdy but B couldn’t find a beam as both places he went to are not in business post Katrina. Sigh. The tub and sinks and fixtures were ordered today after an interminable wait and an encounter with Ms. D – a bitch who tried to intimidate me but I wasn’t going for it so early in the morning and set her right on what I planned to do – which was not sit down like she was ordering me to do – she said I was making her nervous – I said, well I prefer to stand thank you kindly.

N writes that Renny rolled in a skunk and kitters was up all night puking down at the camp.

And in the meantime, my day has been hijacked by errands and annoying work interruptions that are unnecessary, really.

Houston’s to face the maddning crowd and John was behind the bar – he’s been there 20 years and I noticed in his demeanor, usually jolly, a faint hint of resignation to the life he has led. You’d think it would be contentment at having chosen a simple life. But no, I swear I saw “the quiet desperation” in his eyes.

Samson’s hair was cut off by Delilah’s treachery – makes you wonder why things can’t just stay the same at least for a solid set number of days. Always spinning.

L is off with P to the Ogden tonight to troll for chippies.

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