Loving yourself

There has been this trend item flowing through most every magazine or news article I’ve picked up lately. It says you shouldn’t drink any wine or alcohol because it makes you fat. Since I’ve been challenged recently because of my foot and challenged in life because of my body type, I’ve been harping and carping about giving up alcohol in order to get my midriff slimmer. TL lost tons of weight from his Lent abstinence (he’s also lost his junk) and that made G and I think hard about giving up the cocktails for a slimmer version of ourselves. Well, it also led to a lot of body hating. While I admit that my waistline ain’t what it used to be – when L brought over the photograph of us from 1987, I took one look and knew that I am a better looking 47 year old woman than I was a 27 year old woman. The younger me had the slimmer waist and more ease with my weight, but the older me has lost that baby fat once and for all and she has a more relaxed look about her.

G called me after court today and said she was trying to articulate what she felt after being a recluse for the last week trying not to have a cocktail or eat. She’s miserable. And hell I am too just sitting around thinking about what I need to do to make myself perfect. Fuck perfect. I’m curvy. My hair is thick and wavy. But you know what? I’ve got an awesome body – when I was in Pilates this morning and in the teaser position and E came by with the pole and said my form was perfect and I know what it takes to get there – I thought, hell, it doesn’t get any better than this.

I look at all those actresses who have lost so much weight – Christina Ricci – Jennifer Anniston – when Madonna went from voluptuous to thin – and even in photographs they don’t look better. Thin is not in. Junk is in. Give me a tush – one that begs to be stared at – or give me one to stare at – now that is what I’m talking about.

2 Responses to “Loving yourself”

  1. gomez Says:

    Gomez would like to remind everyone that he has always been a consistent proponent of junk, able to see it where others can’t, and contributing the pejorative antonym “swingset” (skinny woman, or man for that matter) to the cultural discourse.

    Thank you very much.

  2. Rachel Says:

    I’d like to thank you for letting me be LW again

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