Take a peak

A friend admitted to me almost guiltily that he reads my blog and said, “It seems a little creepy at times as if I am being so voyeuristic” – and I said, that’s just what it is. Yes, you are getting a slice of my life and my interior but not all, honey, so don’t think you’re getting all. But the parts you are getting are the parts I’m confronting on a daily basis. The fact that blogs have become so ubiquitous five years after I started my own is sort of hard to comprehend, but having my faithful readers has been something that has helped me continue the practice because there are always times when I’ve thought – this is crazy – why am I blogging?

I wonder if all the mentally deranged people had a place to express themselves before acting on it, if that wouldn’t calm them down. Hard to say, I certainly don’t rant like I’d like to sometimes, and don’t cry like I’d like to other times. It’s just a grand experiment in trying to articulate in any given day how one woman (me) gets closer to becoming who she is and hopefully there are some take aways that apply to whoever is reading it as they work towards becoming more of who they are on any given day.

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