A book and a sandwich

I forced myself to go Spin class yesterday morning and was all the better for it and today I went to boot camp because I need something to work wonders on my jelly belly roll that is growing thicker with each passing moment. But before I dragged my lumpy butt to boot camp, I managed to treat myself to lunch at Eco Cafe on Carrollton for a nice portobello and chimichuri panini with a side salad and a hot mug of mint tea. I brought along Ian McEwan’s Atonement, which I’ve been meaning to read, and then it was hard to get me out of my Queen’s chair in the corner.

I’m loving this week – at a slower pace – the end of the year, end of a decade is advancing at high speed and yet, there are little ways to apply the brakes. Why not treat yourself to a small corner somewhere that you might have been coveting all year?

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